I recently started a few new blogs and ran into a little bit of a problem. No matter what I did to try to change settings to increase the number of posts that would show on my news feed, it always stayed the same. It would only show a couple of them.
So, I read blogs and forums and submitted a help request with blogger, no answer.
I tried a few things and followed a few suggestions and finally figured it out!
First. Try going into your settings to change this the formal way.
Click settings, the select Post, comments and sharing.
Select how many posts you'd like to show on your main page.
Click on Update and then view your blog. This may have fixed your problem.
I had 50 on here and still only 1 post after the featured post would appear.
If it didn't fit the problem, try this!
Go back in to edit your post. You should see your first photo and a small description.
Then insert the jump break feature just under the first paragraph.
As shown above
You should then be able to display as many as you want. I can now scroll through as many as I want to have on my main page.
Yay!! Hope this helps. I was super frustrated until I figured this out.
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